Veritas Classical School

5/6 Humanities Day Syllabus

Bible:   Discover 4 Yourself Inductive Bible Studies for Kids Series

  • Students will learn the skills needed to study the Holy Bible: observation, interpretation, and application. Throughout the year, they will use the Inductive Bible Studies approach when interacting with God’s word.

History & GeographyMystery of History Volume I by Linda Lacour Hobar

  • Students sweep through Creation to Christ’s Resurrection. Each week they will study three lessons and be expected to look deeper into topics through research, mapping, historical fiction novels, and special projects. They will learn notetaking skills and learn how to interact with primary source documents. Student-led Socratic Seminars will be employed to discuss “big picture” issues.

Literature:   Cross-Curricular-The stories told through the novels are set during or tell the story of the historical time period studied (Creation to c. A.D. 33).

  • The Golden Goblet by Eloise Jarvis McGraw (Egypt)
  • Black Ships Before Troy by Rosemary Sutcliff (Greek- A Retelling of Homer’s The Iliad)
  • The Bronze Bow by Elizabeth George Speare (Roman)
  • Detectives in Togas by Henry Winterfeld (Roman)
  • Peril and Peace: Chroniciles of the Ancient Chruch by Mindy and Brandon Withrow

Writing:  Institute for Excellence in Writing Style & Structure Year 1, Level A

  • Note Making and Outlines
  • Writing From Notes
  • Retelling Narrative Stories
  • Summarizing a Reference
  • Writing from Pictures
  • Summarizing Multiple References
  • Inventive Writing

Grammar:  Rod & Staff

  • Parts of Speech
  • Parts of the Sentence
  • Capitalization & Punctuation

Vocabulary:  Words to Go

  • New Vocabulary Words
  • Context Clues
  • Antonyms and Synonyms
  • Analogies
  • Root and Base Words
  • Prefixes and Suffixes

Critical Thinking:  The Critical Thinking Co. The Basics of Critical Thinking

Colossians 2:2-3

My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.